Sunday, January 25, 2009

DOCH and the Circus

Dear Peeps,

I am so proud of you both – and excited for what is instore for the year to come. On Thursday night we went out as a family to dinner – which is not so unusual as we have been doing this ever since you were both babies. You both sat so calmly and quietly, making polite conversation throughout the whole dinner.

The most exciting thing was to walk into the QPAC theatre complex and sit in the front row for DOCH and the Circus show, which I had given Daddy as a birthday present. We had already talked about the fact that there would be no animals at this particular circus and you both showed such maturity in discussing why it was bad for animals to be put on the stage.

The next two hours went so quickly and although it finished well after eleven at night – you were both riveted to the seats, your eyes wide open and staring at the wonder before you. You did so well keeping awake – especially as your bedtimes are usually seven o’clock! DOCH were fantastic – the type of music that both Mummy and Daddy love to dance to – the gypsy music with Spanish overtones and big band presence.

The acrobats, clowns, puppeteers and high wire artists were incredible with their feats of strength and agility. I was so proud of you both clapping and laughing the whole way through.

To top off our wonderful insight, an older lady tapped me on the shoulder as we left and commented how delightful you two were. I hadn’t realized until then that you were the youngest members in the audience.

Mummy adores the theatre, the opera and going to dance. Its always been very difficult to get a babysitter if Mummy and Daddy want to go out – as we don’t have family close by. You two have proved that you can be delightful company and I can now see no reason why we can’t take you along to the theatre and shows.

I love you both!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Age of Sleep Overs

Dear Peeps

I can’t believe how quickly the Christmas holidays have gone. Looking at only a week left before going back to school and a large list of things I had wanted to do with you is left un checked.

This week made me smile so much – we are now entering the age of sleep overs and neighborhood kids visiting at all hours during the day. I grew up in a very tiny village where our house was the place to be – so at any one time we could have up to 20 kids running amok – jumping on the trampoline – dressing up or playing cricket. Although that madness would send Daddy crazy, I would love for you to experience this as well – as the sense of community is fast evaporating.

Its so great to have children across the road whose mum is also a stay at home mum and happy for the kids to come and play at the knock of the door. I can see this arrangement extending into their teens as I doubt either family has plans to move on for many years.

You were both so great on your sleep over with Dylan – playing so well and respecting his space when he needed it. I do hope he gathers courage to do a sleep over with us sometime. They are such special friends and I feel so blessed to be part of their family too.

Thanks for sharing your toys and making sure your visitors have water when they need it. You can be sure that I will be observing you guys even more now that I am an editor for Type A Moms Surburban Mom section – very excited about that role….

We have crazy week next week – so thanks for hanging in there.

Hugs Mummy

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Monday, January 12, 2009

The Wedding

Dear Peeps

I am so dreadfully proud of both of you, my heart is about to burst. We have just gotten back from Noosa, after a huge weekend celebrating Nannys wedding.

It was a big task for two small people to partake in the ceremony – but both of you undertook it with such grace and dignity.

Miss Lilly, you were the most beautiful graceful stately flowergirl anyone could have asked for. Your dazzling smile, fixated on the pulpit and your slow steady pace kept everyone in line at the procession down the church.

Mr Morgan, your serious face bore the mark of someone very determined not to drop the rings and to undertake their duty in the manner it was meant to be done.

Photos – especially so many that needed to be taken on the day in various postions and areas are a drag – but both of you kept those smiles and were so patient being placed in different spots.

Thank you both for being so wonderfully behaved during dinner and being brilliant during the day.

I do hope you both remember the day in years to come. Nanny was so proud of you and so pleased you were part of her special day.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Beach Kids

Dear Peeps

What a great week we have had and at last we have our home back to ourselves – for a little while at least. With Nannys wedding next week, things won’t have gotten back to normal just yet, but with your help we are making it a calm place to be.

Yesterday we got up early and took your new boogie boards down to the beach. Aren’t we lucky we only live 40 mins from the nearest waves? Although we had sunscreened up, the weather wasn’t very kind to us and it remained grey most of the day.

You looked so cool with your boards against the crashing waves – I was a little afraid for you – but as always – Daddy was there to protect and guide you the whole time.

I am so proud of you Lilly – you caught some big waves and rode them to the beach each time. You listened so carefully to Daddy and hid behind his legs each time a wave came crashing through – until you had reached the best place to catch the waves. Even when you got dumped, you managed to stand and smile, spit the sand out of your mouth.. and then run up the beach crying… probably because you saw the look on my face.

I am very proud of you Morgan. I am not a fan of the surf and although you were frightened, you had several attempts to stay on your board and ride the waves. I am so pleased at the end you did catch some decent surf and had fun.

What a wonderful day we had too afterwards – despite the rain chasing us off the beach and ants attempting to drive us off the grass, we decamped and went to the mountains behind the coast and had a picnic overlooking the cliffs and rainforest.

Thanks for being so patient in the tiny shops we visited – wasn’t the icecream we had afterwards worth all the waiting?