Sunday, March 15, 2009

Awesome Pair

Dear Peeps,

Once again, you rock my world with your awesomeness!! Morgan is now firmly in charge of washing his and Lillys clothes - knowing how to use the washing machine, to separate darks and lights and put the right amount of detergent in it.

Thank you so much for being great for bachelor Uncle Jamie - who hasn't had much practice in looking after kids - while mummy and daddy went out for the night. I was so attaken back when I called home to give Jamie a message - and you - Morgan answered the phone with , "Hello, Morgan here, how can I help you?" it was a simple message about where dinner was in the fridge - but you took it and managed to ensure Jamie had it and you were all feed the right things. you sounded so BIG on the phone...

We had such a great time at the disco ( your first) Morgan. I wished I'd taken photos of your green spiky hair. I was very proud of you when you went to the dancefloor and bopped up and down. Its a start and an important one!

Thanks Lilly for being such a good girl this week - I am sorry that your punishment of not letting you go to dance class was so severe - but Daddy set it - and we have to be united in this. You can't wait for next week can you. Your stretching is getting really fantastic and I am so proud of your diligence with keeping your toes pointed and your arms stretched straight.

looking forward to a day with Daddy tomorrow..
much hugs

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