Saturday, December 27, 2008


Christmas day lunch - looking so impressed!

Dear Peeps,

Phew what a week and a bit hey? With your cousins leaving and then straight away having Nanny and her soon to be husband coming to stay with us for Christmas – then Uncle Max and Bridgette, then the rest of the Evetts come for a day on Boxing Day - its been fairly full on with personal space and individual time.

Its so important to me to have our family traditions and I thank you for always being excited when we went to look at Christmas lights on a drive – ‘just over there’. You helped me out so much getting decorations and tidying up the house for all of our guests.

It was so wonderful to see your little excited faces getting things ready for Santa on Christmas Eve. I loved your thoughtfulness in preparing Santa some healthy snacks. Morgan you are so wonderful thinking that Santa will be feeling a bit sick of all the sugary goodies and wanting an apple and a banana.

Thank you for sleeping in till 6 on Christmas morning. I had been so busy getting food and things ready for Christmas and Boxing day that I hadn’t gotten to bed till very early in the morning.

I doubted we needed the actual trampoline after seeing you - Lilly jumping up and down so much after seeing the boxes in the hall way. Both of you were so patient when we opened out presents up – waiting for everyone to look and enjoy the gifts.

I love to hear your giggles and laughter on the new trampoline and look forward to a private time I can clamber on and bounce without an audience. I remember having so much fun on our trampoline when I was a child and I know that you will love yours as much.

Well – we are now off to see more family –but this time its up to Grandmas for a few days.

This is you all enjoying fairyfloss with Tayla at the Iceskating rink - so nice to have jumpers on when its nealry 35 degrees outside!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Trouble in the Bubbles

Dear Peeps,

What a week this has been.

My sister arrived from Longreach – over 1000km away – with her four kids and are staying with us for a week. I am so excited to see one of beloved siblings and want you my children to know and love your cousins. Family is a very strong force in my life and existence and I have seen the breakdown of relationships, deep and bitter between families cause so much heartache, angst and hate - something I don’t want to enter into my family ever.

I know its been hard for you to share you space, toys and me with five other people in this time – 24 hours a day. Its now day 5 and I understand you are clingy and wanting me all to yourselves, It so hard to explain to you that I still love you and that you can share that love with lots of people.

I grew up with 5 other brothers and sisters – so learnt from an early age that nothing was exclusively yours and you shared everything you ever had – no matter what it was. I learnt to pitch in without being asked – because it helps everyone in the long run. I try to instill these behaviours in our everyday life – and hope it rubs off on you eventually.

You certainly are a contrast to your country cousins – who are so quiet and withdrawn – especially compared to the loudness of our Miss L. I am sure you all can learn a lot from one another and look forward to continuing the tradition of spending a block of time together every year.

We are having so much fun going to the movies, to different parks, shopping and day trips – with ice-skating and bowling still to come! And both of you are getting to stay up way after bed time – I hope this doesn’t mean tired cranky kids in a few days time!

I love both of you – I think you are awesome. Lets keep learning together.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Preparations and wishes.

Dear Peeps

Thank you for being so great in the last week of school – with all the stress and carry on there has been. I am so proud of you Mr M – you have grown up so quickly and continue to amaze me with your insights and incredible questions.
Miss Lou – you are a delight to have around – like a little fairy floating about with your tinkly laughter. What a mixture of toughness and frailty you possess – and one I hope you continue to display. You are so independent sometimes I don’t think you need me around – and yet I always get big smoochy kisses and hugs if I go to leave.
I am looking forward to Christmas and the wonder in y our eyes as we open presents, look at lights and visit Santa. You look so cute in your Christmas Costumes – I just want to squeeze you both..
We have our Packing Day for the charity – Basket Brigade, this weekend to go to and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Friday, December 5, 2008

A hot old week

Dear Peeps

Thank you for being so awesome this week. We set a target to walk to school in the mornings every day and we have done it. Its been really hot, the flys have been thick and there has been no breeze as we walk up the rocky pathway near the road to school. I know I can’t wait until the footpath is put in – but it has been interesting to watch the big diggers and the workmen ploughing up the road every day.

Especially I want to thank you Lilly – as we have to walk up and back to school. You are only three but the toughest tyke I know – not too many your age can walk 5 km before “The Night Garden” on ABC starts.

Thanks Morgan for being so encouraging to Lilly as we walk – especially when she is tired. We have out goal of getting fitter and saving money on our petrol – all so we can go to Fiji on holiday again perhaps in 2010. It was such an awesome goal to come up with by yourself Morgan – I am very proud of you wan want to make sure we honour it.

You two love each other so much and get on well, that the occasional time you start to niggle one another and it turns into a minor war is such a contrast and so awful, its hard for me to remember that you are still only 3 and 5.

Mummy loves you very much, big kisses.

Monday, December 1, 2008

My first wish

Dear Peeps,

This blog is not going to just be just about how much I appreciate both of you – I really do – I love the caring way you look after each other – the way you stand up for one another in the playground, the little things you do for me and for each other to make our days run smoothly. However - I am sad that the two of you continue to bikker and niggle one another. I know you love each other and enjoy each others company and space. I really dislike it when you hurt each other and make each other cry just to get a reaction out of me.

It saddens me that the only person you play up for is me. Reports back from others who look after you are always glowing. I have tried to look at it from another point of view and be thankful that you are comfortable enough with me to show your true beings but sometimes that doesn’t help me through another day of constant bickering.

I feel at the end of my tether sometimes – and just want to let go – to cut it free! We have tried naughty corners and steps, reward charts and surprise baskets for good behaviour, time out and withdrawal of privileges, quiet words, counting down, withdrawal into anther room and a chat about behaviour , talking about responsibility and expectations and of course the good old – no sugar thing….. and still you bikker and poke one another, both egging one another on to scream or cry out.

I don’t like myself when I find the only thing that gets any attention is to shout at you and Goddess forbid that I ever actually have to carry out the threat I vowed I would never use on my kids – the wooden spoon. A brand new spoon has been bought and is placed in a prominent place in the kitchen. Lets hope we have a great week and not have to pick it up and wave it around.

You two have so many fantastic qualities, I hate myself for focusing on this and need to remind myself that you are only 3 and 5.